Category Archives: OfficeWriter

Reporting Services Error: Could not load file or assembly ‘x’ or one of its dependencies


You want to use a newer version of ExcelWriter or WordWriter with OfficeWriter’s Reporting Services integration. A common scenario is upgrading to an intermediate build of ExcelWriter or WordWriter which fixes a bug or adds a new feature.

To provide context, OfficeWriter’s Reporting Services integration consists of the following components:

  • ExcelWriter (SoftArtisans.OfficeWriter.ExcelWriter.dll)
  • WordWriter (SoftArtisans.OfficeWriter.WordWriter.dll)
  • A custom rendering extension (SoftArtisans.OfficeWriter.RS2008.dll for SQL Server Reporting Services 2008)

When upgrading to a different version of ExcelWriter or WordWriter, normally you also have to upgrade to the matching version of the custom rendering extension. This is because the custom rendering extension is built against a specific version of ExcelWriter and WordWriter and only works with that version. If the version of ExcelWriter or WordWriter does not match the version of the custom rendering extension, you will get this error when exporting the report using ExcelWriter or WordWriter:

Could not load file or assembly ‘x’ or one of its dependencies. The located assembly’s manifest definition does not match the assembly reference.

If you are performing a regular upgrade in which you replace the custom rendering extension DLL as well as the ExcelWriter or WordWriter DLL, use the manual installation instructions as a guideline.

However, if there are no changes to the custom rendering extension, it is convenient to use the same custom rendering extension DLL and replace just the ExcelWriter or WordWriter DLL. This approach also allows you to easy test any version of the ExcelWriter or WordWriter DLL. In this case, follow the below instructions.


To upgrade the ExceWriter or WordWriter DLL without having to replace the custom rendering extension, you can create an assembly binding redirect so that request for the old DLL are redirected to the new DLL.

The solution is also applicable to any ASP.NET application for which you want to replace a dependent assembly with another version. Use the instructions below as guidelines for making modifications to the application’s web.config.

The process for creating an assembly binding redirect is slightly different for ExcelWriter and WordWriter, because by default WordWriter is installed into the Global Assembly Cache (GAC).

Upgrading ExcelWriter

1. Navigate to the Reporting Services directory, typically `DRIVE:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services’

2. Copy SoftArtisans.OfficeWriter.ExcelWriter.dll to ReportServer\bin, replacing the existing DLL

3. Determine the version of the new DLL; for example,

4. Edit ReportServer\web.config and add the following section under the section:

XML Config Script

 <configuration>     <runtime>         <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">             <dependentAssembly>                 <assemblyIdentity name="SoftArtisans.OfficeWriter.ExcelWriter" publicKeyToken="f593502af6ee46ae" culture="neutral" />                 <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion=""/>             </dependentAssembly>         </assemblyBinding>     </runtime> </configuration> 

Note: If there is an existing section, add only the  section inside it, so that there is only one assembly binding definition.

In the example above, set the newVersion attribute to the version of the new DLL. Set the oldVersion attribute to a single version or a range of versions which are to be mapped to the new version.

5. Perform the same steps for ReportServer\bin\ReportingServicesService.exe.config

6. Restart the Report Server

Upgrading WordWriter

If WordWriter is installed in the GAC, as done by the installer, you must also install the new DLL into the GAC. Because the GAC supports multiple versions of a DLL, you do not have to uninstall the old DLL. However, by using assembly binding redirect, you can force Reporting Services to use the new DLL. Follow the procedure below to upgrade WordWriter:

1. Install the new DLL into the GAC using, for example, the gacutil tool.

2. Navigate to the Reporting Services directory, typically ‘DRIVE:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services’ Copy SoftArtisans.OfficeWriter.WordWriter.dll to ReportServer\bin

3. Determine the version of the new DLL; for example,

4. Edit ReportServer\web.config and add the following section under the section:

XML Config Script

 <configuration>     <runtime>         <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">             <dependentAssembly>                 <assemblyIdentity name="SoftArtisans.OfficeWriter.WordWriter" publicKeyToken="f593502af6ee46ae" culture="neutral" />                 <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion=""/>             </dependentAssembly>         </assemblyBinding>     </runtime> </configuration> 

Note: If there is an existing section, add only the section inside it, so that there is only one assembly binding definition.

In the example above, set the newVersion attribute to the version of the new DLL. Set the oldVersion attribute to a single version or a range of versions which are to be mapped to the new version.

5. Perform the same steps for ReportServer\bin\ReportingServicesService.exe.config

6. Restart the Report Server

If WordWriter is not installed in the GAC, skip step 1 and follow steps 2-7 in the above procedure.

Designer Compile Error: Object library invalid or contains references that cannot be found


When the OfficeWriter Designer is installed, Excel or Word throws a VBA compilation error:

Object library invalid or contains references that cannot be found.

This error can occur if you installed a version of Office on a system in which the Office Designer had already been installed for a different version of Office. For example, you were using OfficeWriter Designer with Office 2007, then later installed any component of Office 2010, including SharePoint Designer 2010 (which is a part of the Office Suite). The error does not go away even if you uninstall one Office version.

This problem will not occur if you install OfficeWriter Designer for the first time on a system which is already running two versions of Office side-by-side.

The error is thrown at startup when Excel or Word attempts to load the add-in template which contains the VBA code for the OfficeWriter Designer. Excel or Word is attempting to use a cached, incompatible version of certain Microsoft control type libraries.


Resolve the error by removing all cached control type libraries as follows:

  1. Close all running instances of Excel or Word
  2. Navigate to \users\USERNAME\appdata\roaming\microsoft\forms
  3. Remove all *.exd files
  4. Start Excel or Word. Upon starting, the compatible version of the required .exd files will be automatically restored.

Update 4/10/2012: This issue might also occur if you installed the Microsoft April 2012 security update on a machine that had the OfficeWriter Designer installed. For more details about the April 2012 security update specifically, please refer to Microsoft’s kb article.

Update 8/12/2012: Similar issues may be the result of the August 2012 security update. If following the steps listed above do not resolve the issue, please try following the steps listed in this OfficeWriter kb article.

Trendline Label doesn’t show Equation/R-squared value


It is possible, in Excel, to add a label to a trendline of a chart that shows the Equation or the R-squared value of the trendline like in the image below:

Trendlines can also be created as objects in ExcelApplication through the Series of a Chart. The Trendline object has the properties to ShowEquation and ShowRSquaredValue.

Setting these properties to true does not seem to have any effect and the label is not shown. However, if you open, with ExcelApplication, an existing workbook which already has a Trendline label these properties will work properly. From that point on you can programmatically change the label as you like using the properties.


This issue has been resolved for charts in the OOXML file format (XLSX, XLSM) as part of implementing OOXML support for ExcelApplication in OfficeWriter v8.0.

This issue persists for the BIFF (XLS) file format. It can be worked around in the following manner:

1. Create a new chart in Excel and add a trendline.

2. Add the Equation or the R-Square: Select the trendline then right-click the trendline or choose Format>Selected Trendline from the menu.

3. Now simply open the workbook with ExcelApplication.Open, retrieve the trendline and program it any way you like (Including changing the trendline regression type or value or show/hide the Equation or R-Squared value):

Trendline trend = oSeries.Trendlines[0]; //now this will work trend.ShowEquation = true;

Error: Cannot open PivotTable source file ‘[filename[x].xls]SourceData’


When opening an Excel file containing a pivot table that was streamed to an IE client, Excel will throw the following error message:

Cannot open PivotTable source file ‘[filename[1].xls]SourceData’

This is caused by IE caching the streamed file with a temporary name containing brackets (e.g. filename[1].xlsx). Since Excel does not allow pivot table data sources to contain brackets, when the cached file is opened, the pivot tables try to refresh using the temporary file name.


There are several ways to work around this:

  • Use a non-IE browser, such as Firefox or Chrome
  • Use IE 9 or later – this appears to have been resolved in the newer versions of IE
  • Save the file to disk before opening it to avoid opening the file with a temporary name
  • Stream the file inline instead of an attachment. This will open the file in IE’s Excel plugin instead of downloading it. If you are using IE 7 or later, you will need to configure the registry on the client to use this option.
  • Add Excel macros to the report to dynamically rename the PivotTable to exclude the bracket and then refresh the PivotTable. An example of these macros is available in this blog post.

Note: This is not an issue with the OfficeWriter product. This behavior occurs anytime someone attempts to download and open an Excel workbook with a PivotTable directly from certain versions of IE.

We have made these solutions available online because our customers have found the information helpful. However, these solutions are not covered under OfficeWriter product support. If you experience issues implementing any of these solutions, we encourage you to reach out to the appropriate vendor (i.e. Mozilla for Firefox, Google for Chrome, and Microsoft for IE 9 (or later) or to configure the in-line plugin).

In particular, if you encounter difficulties with the macro solution, feel free to leave a reply on the blog post so that the author of the post can address your concerns.

Error: WordWriter.dll was loaded by the DLLRegisterServer entry point was not found


When attempting to register WordWriter.dll with regsvr32, the following error is thrown:

C:\Program Files\SoftArtisans\WordWriter\WordWriter.dll was loaded, but the DLLRegisterServer entry point was not found. DLLRegisterServer may not be exported, or a corrupt version of C:\Program Files\SoftArtisans\WordWriter\WordWriter.dll may be in memory. Consider using PView to detect and remove it.”


Regsvr32 can be used to register COM objects, but not .NET ones. Because WordWriter is a pure .NET assembly, it does not need to be registered. To be used in a .NET application, WordWriter.dll can be placed in either the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) or in the application’s bin directory.

WordWriter can be used from standard ASP by registering its COM-callable wrapper, WordWriterCOM.dll. The COM wrapper is registered with regsvr32. For more information on using WordWriter in ASP, see the WordWriter documentation on Using WordWriter in ASP.

FitToPagesTall and FitToPagesWide settings do not take effect


FitToPagesTall and FitToPagesWide settings do not take effect unless Zoom is explicitly set to false.


FitToPagesTall, FitToPagesWide and Zoom are properties of the PageSetup object of the ExcelWriter Application object.

The Page Setup dialog in Microsoft Excel allows you to select one of the following two options:

  1. Adjusting the worksheet so that it fits to the dimension of “x” number of pages width-wise and/or length-wise.
  2. Adjusting the worksheet so that it prints to a certain percentage of the original size, ranging between 10 and 400 percent.

The equivalent properties in ExcelWriter are:

The Zoom property has a default value of “True” and “100” percent. This means that even if the Zoom is not explicitly set in your code, these values will be assumed. Any values provided for FitToPagesTall or FitToPagesWide will be ignored. If you want to use these properties, you must explicitly change the value of Zoom to “False”:

worksheet.PageSetup.Zoom = false; worksheet.PageSetup.FitToPagesTall = 2; worksheet.PageSetup.FitToPagesWide = 2;

Install Error: System appears to have an unrecognized version of J#


The following error is returned while attempting to install OfficeWriter 3.9 or below:

The System appears to have .NET 2.0 and an unrecognized version of J#. Please install J# 2.0 if you wish to use ExcelWriter .NET or WordWriter.

Starting with version 4, OfficeWriter has been written completely in C# and no longer requires the J# runtime. However, customers installing version 3.x of OfficeWriter do need the J# runtime. The version of J# should match the installed version of the .NET framework.


Install the J# redistributable that matches the .NET framework that you are using in your application.

Note: Microsoft has not released a J# redistributable that matches .NET 4.0 framework. To use OfficeWriter with .NET 4.0, you will need to upgrade to OfficeWriter 4 or later.

Files generated by OfficeWriter do not open in the browser


When OpenInBrowser in the Save method is set to true, the Excel spreadsheet or Word document does not open in the Internet Explorer Browser window as expected. Instead, the spreadsheet opens in Excel or the document opens in Word.


Using a browser other than Internet Explorer

The plugin that is used to display Office files in the browser is only available in Internet Explorer, so other browsers cannot display Excel or Word files within the browser. However, you can set whether you want to always open the files in Excel or Word, or save them to disk by default.


When a user is sent an Excel or Word file, a dialog box prompting to Open or Save the file pops up. The user can choose an option and then check the “Do this automatically for files like this from now on” box to have it remember this choice.


Chrome defaults to saving the file to disk. If you want to open a file type automatically in Excel or Word, download a file of that type. Once the file is downloaded, right-click the file in the download bar at the bottom of the browser. Select “Always open files of this type”.

Using Internet Explorer

It is likely that the “Browse in Same Window” is disabled for the file types (XLS, XLSX, XLSM, DOC, DOCX, DOCM).

Previously, this option was available under Folder Options > File Types > Select a file type > Check Browse in the same Window.

Starting in Windows Vista, this option is no longer exposed and the registry needs to be modified to enable certain file types to open in the browser. This Microsoft Knowledge Base article explains how to enable the behavior by modifying the registry: A new window opens when you try to view a 2007 Microsoft Office program document in Windows Internet Explorer 7 or Internet Explorer 8.

Excel or Word file generated by OfficeWriter opens in protected view (yellow)


A report generated using ExcelWriter or WordWriter opens and there is a yellow warning banner saying that the file has been opened in Protected View.


Starting in Office 2010, Microsoft introduced a security feature that scans files before opening them in Excel or Word. If there is something wrong with the file format definition, it will open in Protected Mode with a red warning banner.

One of the common scenarios for opening a file in Protected View is opening the file from an unsafe location, such as the Temporary Internet Files folder. This means that if the file is streamed to an end-user, it will open in protected view.

For more information about Protected View settings in Office 2010, please refer to this Microsoft TechNet article on how to configure Protected View settings in Office 2010.

Installation Error 1327

What’s the problem?

I was working with a customer who was faced with the following error message during her installation of OfficeWriter: Error 1327: Invalid Drive: H:

When she looked in ‘My Computer’, there was no H drive on hard disk or mapped to a network location. She was baffled as to why the installation was trying to point to an non-existent drive.

What’s going on?

Error 1327 occurs during any basic installation when there is an incorrect value in the Data field in some of the Microsoft Windows registry keys. This issue is addressed by Adobe in this article and by Robert LaThanh in this post.

How to resolve the issue:
  1. Open regedit and navigate to each of the following registry keys:
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders
  2. Check to see if any of data values point to a drive that is not mapped to in your computer (either on hard disk or a network location). In particular, look to see if any of the data values point to the drive that the 1327 error mentioned.
    In the case of the customer, one of the data values in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders was set to H:\Favorites.
  3. If there are any incorrectly mapped data values, modify the values.
    The customer changed the value from H:\Favorites to %USERPROFILE%\Favorites and that resolved the Error 1327 issue.

Here is a sample of what the particular corrected registry key should look like:


WARNING: When modifying the registry, make sure you back it up!

Since the solution involved modifying registry values, it was important to make a back up of the registry, so I sent her the Windows 7 instructions for backing up the registry. Microsoft also has articles for backing up Windows XP and Windows Vista.