Install Error 1608: Unable to Create InstallDrive Instance. Return code -2147024891


When attempting to run the installer for OfficeWriter 4.x or below, InstallShield returns the error:

1608: Unable to Create InstallDriver Instance. Return code -2147024891.

This error has been known to occur for some users when installing or uninstalling OfficeWriter. According to InstallShield, “Error 1608 is a very system specific issue and is often caused by limited system privileges, incorrect DCOM settings, or another malfunction on the computer.”


In most cases, the instructions in the following InstallShield article resolve this problem. For many of our customers, this error has been resolved by simply following the instructions regarding DCOM Settings (section A). (note: installshield’s website can be very slow sometimes.)

If after trying all of the suggestions in the InstallSheild article, you are unable to install or uninstall OfficeWriter using the automatic installer, you will need to perform a manual installation and/or uninstallation.

Instructions for uninstalling and installing OfficeWriter can be found in our documentation. Although the instructions are labeled for ExcelWriter, the same steps apply to installing WordWriter.

Install Error: Unable to save file: C:\Windows\Download installations{guid}\OfficeWriter 4.x.msi


You recieve an error message when running the OfficeWriter installer on Windows 2008 R2 or Windows 7:

Unable to save file: C:\Windows\Download Installations{guid}\OfficeWriter 4.1.0.msi. The system cannot find the path specified.

This error message may vary slightly depending on your system.


The installer must be run as an administrator. However, being logged in as an administrator does not cause the installer to be run with administrator privileges. You must explictly run it as an administrator.

To run the installer as an administrator, right click the installer and select “Run as Administrator.”

You can also run the installer as the administrator through the Windows Power Shell:

  1. Run Windows Power Shell as an administrator
  2. Within Windows Power Shell, navigate to the directory containing the OfficeWriter installer.
  3. Use the command .\OfficeWriter-Installer-4.1.0.exe. Note that the name of the installer file used in the command will vary depending on the version of OfficeWriter you are installing.

Install Error 1316 – A network error occurred when attempting to read from the file


When running the OfficeWriter installer to upgrade to OfficeWriter 4.x or below from an earlier version of OfficeWriter the following error may occur:

Error 1316 – A network error occurred when attempting to read from the file C:\WINNT\Downloaded Installations{EBF98E9A-3A6C-4B10-AB6B-3D9A746A5C35}\SoftArtisans OfficeWriter [version number].msi


It is not possible to install OfficeWriter 4.x or earlier over a previous version with the automatic installer. The previous version must be uninstalled first. This is a known issue with InstallShield, the component used in the OfficeWriter installer.

Note: This only applies to installers for OfficeWriter 4.x and below. Starting in OfficeWriter 8.0, the installer no longer uses InstallShield so the issue no longer applies. However, you should uninstall the previous version of OfficeWriter before installing OfficeWriter 8.x to ensure clean upgrades.

Instructions for removing older versions of OfficeWriter can be found in our documentation:

Install Error: 1603 Fatal error during installation


Installing OfficeWriter 3.9.1 may fail on Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008. The installer appears to proceed normally, but eventually rolls back and displays the following error message:

Error: -1603 Fatal error during installation. Consult Windows Installer Help (Msi.chm) or MSDN for more information.

The installation failure is due to a problem in InstallShield, a software tool used to build the OfficeWriter installer. The problem occurs in an InstallShield method that interfaces with IIS 7, which comes with Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008. OfficeWriter installer for versions 4.6.0 and earlier attempt to interface with IIS to create a new website for sample applications during installation. Because of the InstallShield problem on Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, the installer fails and subsequently rolls back.


Option 1: Upgrade to OfficeWriter 3.9.2 or later

Upgrade to a newer version of OfficeWriter. Subsequent to the 3.9.1 release, the OfficeWriter installer is built with a patched version of InstallShield which fixes the problem described above. We recommend that, whenever possible, customers upgrade to the newest release of OfficeWriter to take advantage of the latest bug fixes and new features.

Option 2: Install OfficeWriter 3.9.1 without the samples

Install OfficeWriter 3.9.1 without the samples. Because the error occurs when the installer attempts to create a new website for the samples, not installing the samples would allow the installer to succeed. On the Setup Wizard dialog box which allows selection of the features to install, deselect the “OfficeWriter Samples” option.

Designer Install Error: This software requires Excel 97 and/or Word 97 (or higher)


The installer for the OfficeWriter Designer v8.0 and below throws the following error:

This software requires Excel 97 and/or Word 97 (or higher), with Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and MSQuery installed. This system does not appear to have Excel or Word installed. Please install Office before continuing.


Office 2010 is installed

The OfficeWriter Designer v8.0 and below is not supported in Office 2010. Please install v8.1.1 or higher for Office 2010.

No Office is installed

The OfficeWriter Designer is an Office Add-In and requires a version of Office to be installed to use.

WordWriter generated document opens in protected mode in Word 2010


When a report rendered with WordWriter is opened in Word 2010, the document opens in “Protected Mode” (red warning banner). This might also happen in Excel 2010.


In Office 2010, Microsoft introduced a security feature which can cause files to be opened in Protected Mode with a red warning banner that locks the file for editing. The Protected Mode is activated when Office detects something in the file format that is not consistent with the security definition.

Unfortunately, since we do not have access to the definitions that the security feature uses to check files, we cannot predetermine what will cause the Protected Mode to activate. We have already addressed a number of items that can cause files to open in Protected Mode, but we are unable to know all the possible causes.

If you are using the latest version of the product and you encounter a file that opens in Protected Mode contact us.

ExcelWriter Error: This file does not appear to be a valid Excel 97 or later binary file


When trying to open an XLSX or XLSM file with ExcelApplication, you get the following error message:

This file does not appear to be a valid Excel 97 or later binary file. Please try opening in Excel 97 later by saving as “Microsoft Excel Workbook (*.xls)”


Support for the Office 2007/2010 file formats (XLSX, XLSM) was introduced for ExcelApplication in ExcelWriter 8. Earlier versions with throw the above exception when attempting to open an XLSX file with ExcelApplication.

Sign in to download product updates. Make sure to follow the instructions for installing a new version of the product.

Shapes and PivotCharts stretch when placed next to a PivotTable


If a pivotchart or drawing shape is placed next to a pivottable, it stretched over many rows in the output file. Also, if a pivotchart or drawing shape is placed beneath a pivottable, it gets pushed down the worksheet.


The issue of shape behavior was addressed in OfficeWriter 4.6.0. Download the latest version of OfficeWriter.

ExcelWriter leaves empty space for a chart title


When using ExcelApplication to create or modify charts, there appears to be an empty space for the chart title even though one wasn’t specified or the chart title is set to an empty string.


ExcelWriter will leave space for a chart title if any of the Chart.Title properties are set; this includes setting Chart.Title.Text to an empty string. This is because ExcelWriter assumes that if Chart.Title properties are being set, then there will be a chart title.

This mimics Excel’s behavior, as chart title properties cannot be accessed or modified unless there is a non-empty chart title.

To avoid having extra space for the title, only set Chart.Title properties when Chart.Title.Text is set to a non-empty value (i.e. you intend for the chart to have a title).
