Install Error: Unable to save file: C:\Windows\Download installations{guid}\OfficeWriter 4.x.msi


You recieve an error message when running the OfficeWriter installer on Windows 2008 R2 or Windows 7:

Unable to save file: C:\Windows\Download Installations{guid}\OfficeWriter 4.1.0.msi. The system cannot find the path specified.

This error message may vary slightly depending on your system.


The installer must be run as an administrator. However, being logged in as an administrator does not cause the installer to be run with administrator privileges. You must explictly run it as an administrator.

To run the installer as an administrator, right click the installer and select “Run as Administrator.”

You can also run the installer as the administrator through the Windows Power Shell:

  1. Run Windows Power Shell as an administrator
  2. Within Windows Power Shell, navigate to the directory containing the OfficeWriter installer.
  3. Use the command .\OfficeWriter-Installer-4.1.0.exe. Note that the name of the installer file used in the command will vary depending on the version of OfficeWriter you are installing.

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