How to Avoid Extra Page at Document End When Using WordTemplate

When you want part of your WordTemplate document to repeat on every page, you must set a PageBreak on that page. However, if you set a default PageBreak, Word will automatically insert what is called a Page Break After. The Page Break After  will result in an extra page at the end of your document. In order to fix this, you will need to set a Page Break Before  at the beginning of the page you want to repeat.

Instructions on Setting a Page Break Before

  1. Click on the top left corner of the page where you want your page break to occur.
  2. In the “Home” tab, there should be a “Paragraph” section. Click the arrow on the bottom-right of the Paragraph Section.
    Screenshot 2014-06-20 11.30.19
  3. Go to the “Line and Page Breaks” tab and check the “Page Break Before” option.
    Screenshot 2014-06-20 11.35.51
  4. Click “Ok”.

Word will have now inserted a PageBreak before at the spot where you cursor lay in the document. Your document should now generate the correct number of pages.

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