Category Archives: OfficeWriter

Adding a % of Total Column to a PivotTable


A customer recently asked for some help with adding a % of Total column for sales data without a pivot table (read about it with Excel and with ExcelWriter). But I wanted to see how the same table and column would be done with a pivot table. Enter Pitan, the Pivot Mage and here we go!


We start with a basic pivot table that already has the store names as row labels and the sales data as the data values. We want to add a column that shows each stores’s sales totals as a percentage of the sales total over all the stores.

1. Add a duplicate column of the values that you want to show the percentages for. In this case, it’s “Store Sales”, so there will be two columns of “Stores Sales”: one for displaying the raw values and one for calculating the percentages.

2. Display the field values as % of Column Total. This can be done two ways:

  • Right click on the field > Show Values As > % of Column Total
  • Use Value Field Settings to format the field
    1. Go to the field in the field view
    2. Select ‘Value Field Settings’ from the drop down
    3. Go to the Show Values As tab
    4. Select % of Column Total









3. (Optional) Rename the field as desired (from Value Field Settings)

4. Congratulations!

For more information about different field calculations, see Microsoft’s article on how to Calculate values in a PivotTable Report.






Creating a ‘% of Total’ Column in Excel


A customer came to me recently with the following request:

I have a fairly simple question, but cannot seem to make it work. I’m creating a simple table in OfficeWriter Excel. One column outputs general sales dollars. I’m trying to create a column next to it that will populate the % of the total sales for each row. So, it will look like this:

Store Sale $ % of Sales Total
Store 1 $2500 50%
Store 2 $2500 50%

Excel Pivot Tables can do this easily using the Field Value Settings, however, I’m creating a simple table and NOT a pivot table. Any help would be great.

We’re going to start by walking through how to create a % of Total column in Excel with static data. Read how to do this in a pivot table and with ExcelWriter data markers .


We start with a basic table that has the total sales for a number of stores. We want to add a column that shows each store’s sales total as a percentage of the sales total over all the stores. Continue reading Creating a ‘% of Total’ Column in Excel

How to insert a hard carriage return into a string of data


In Excel, to have text displayed on multiple lines, two conditions must be met:

  1. The cell must be formatted with Wrap Text
  2. The text must contain the new line character (hard carriage return)

When you press ALT+ENTER in Excel, Excel automatically formats the cell to have Wrap Text and inserts a new line character into the cell.

This post covers how to insert a hard carriage return into data that is imported into an Excel file with ExcelWriter.


Text Wrap

If you are importing data using ExcelTemplate, make sure to format the cell alignment with “Text Wrap” in the cell that contains the data marker. This also applies if you are importing data using ExcelApplication with a partial template.

To set “Wrap Text” in Excel:

  1. Right-click on the cell
  2. Go to the Alignment tab
  3. Under Text Control, check off “Wrap Text”

If you aren’t working with a template, you can also set this property on a cell using ExcelApplication:

 //The WrapText property must be set to true in the cell containing the new line character worksheet.Cells["A1"].Style.WrapText = true; 

New Line Character

To import the new line character with your data, just add the new line character to your string of data.

Here is an example of using ExcelApplication to write a string into a cell. The string contains the new line character:

 worksheet.Cells["A1"].Value = "Fred Smith," + '\n' + "President"; 

Here is an example of some data that might be bound to a ExcelTemplate file:

 object[] dataArray = new object {"Fred Smith \n President", "2003", "Boston, MA"};

How to retrieve a formatted date from an Excel workbook


When I retrieve the value of a cell which has a Date format in Excel, I do not get the formatted Date; I get a number. How do I retrieve the formatted Date instead?


Excel Dates are stored in a “serial date format” behind-the-scenes. So, for example, 2/4/2004 is stored as 38021 in Excel. This number represents the number of days elapsed since January 1, 1900.

When you display a Date in Excel, a built-in conversion is performed which converts this serial format into a string for display in the cell depending on the format you apply to that cell.

More information on Excel Serial Dates can be found at

If you want to use a Date from a cell in your code, all you will be able to retrieve is the serial value of this Date. To use it as a formatted string you will have to convert it.

A set of conversion methods can be found at Code Project.

You will need to use one of them in your application in order to convert the serial value of the date to a formatted string. Once you have a formatted string, you can also create a Date object in .NET (using Convert.ToDateTime() for example) and use the built in .NET Date functions if desired.

A simple example in VB.NET

This example retrieves a serial date from an Excel cell and uses a VB.NET version of the ExcelSerialDateToDMY() method from The Code Project to convert it to its day, month, and year components. To run this example, you would call ReadDate() from the PageLoad event or a ButtonClick event, for example. ReadDate() reads the Date (in serial date format) from cell “E1” of sample2.xls. It then calls ExcelSerialDateToDMY() to retrieve the converted day, month, and year values of the date. It then creates a new .NET Date object using those values. Finally, it writes the .NET Date’s short string value to the Response, so you can see that the correct values were retrieved.

Private Sub ReadDate()
'Create Application object and load Excel file from disk
Dim xlw As New SAExcelApplicationDotNet xlw.Open(Server.MapPath("./sample2.xls"), False)
Dim sheet As SAWorksheet sheet = xlw.Worksheets(1)

'Read cell E1, it's a date
Dim sd As Integer = sheet.Cells("E1").Value

' The following 3 variables are used as "output" parameters to the ExcelSerialDateToDMY()
' method, since the method uses the parameters By Reference, not By Value.
Dim d As Integer ' Will contain the day as an Integer
Dim m As Integer ' Will contain the month as an Integer
Dim y As Integer ' Will contain the year as an Integer

' Retrieve the day, month, and year values of the serial date.
ExcelSerialDateToDMY(sd, d, m, y)

' Create a new .NET Date object with the retrieved values, and display it on the page.
Dim dt As Date = New Date(y, m, d)
End Sub

Private Sub ExcelSerialDateToDMY(ByRef nSerialDate As Integer, ByRef nDay As Integer, _
ByRef nMonth As Integer, ByRef nYear As Integer)
' This function is courtesy of The Code Project.

' nSerialDate is the serial date from Excel
' nDay, nMonth, and nYear are the "output parameters" where the method will store
' the Day, Month, and Year values as Integers that it extracts from nDate

' Excel/Lotus 123 have a bug with 29-02-1900. 1900 is not a
' leap year, but Excel/Lotus 123 think it is...
If nSerialDate = 60 Then
nDay = 29
nMonth = 2
nYear = 1900
ElseIf nSerialDate < 60 Then
' Because of the 29-02-1900 bug, any serial date
' under 60 is one off... Compensate.
nSerialDate = nSerialDate + 1
End If

' Modified Julian to DMY calculation with an addition of 2415019
Dim l As Integer = nSerialDate + 68569 + 2415019
Dim n As Integer = CInt(Fix((4 * l) / 146097))
l = l - CInt(Fix((146097 * n + 3) / 4))
Dim i As Integer = CInt(Fix((4000 * (l + 1)) / 1461001))
l = l - CInt(Fix((1461 * i) / 4)) + 31
Dim j As Integer = CInt(Fix((80 * l) / 2447))
nDay = l - CInt(Fix((2447 * j) / 80))
l = CInt(Fix(j / 11))
nMonth = j + 2 - (12 * l)
nYear = 100 * (n - 49) + i + l
End Sub

How to run different versions of OfficeWriter side-by-side


You have existing applications using an older version of ExcelWriter or WordWriter. You want to use the latest version of the product for new application development without affecting existing applications. Is this possible?


Yes, if you are using the .NET version of OfficeWriter, it is easy to run different versions side-by-side (in different applications). You just need to be aware of considerations regarding the automatic installer and the product license keys.

Note: If you are using OfficeWriter’s SSRS integration, a single instance of Reporting Services can only have one version of OfficeWriter installed. However, you may use the newer version in other standalone applications.


Only one version of OfficeWriter can be installed with the automatic installer. The usual upgrade process is to first remove the previous version through Add/Remove programs and then run the new installer. Therefore, in order to use two versions side-by-side, at least one of the installations will need to be manual.

License Keys

When your company purchased OfficeWriter, the main contact for your order received license keys for the product which must be installed on each server. These keys can be entered either through the automatic installer or by using our LicenseManager.exe utility (which is unpacked to the OfficeWriter Program Folder).

Every major version of OfficeWriter requires a new set of license keys. Minor upgrades can continue using the same license keys. If the new version you wish to install is a major upgrade from the previous version, you will need to enter a new license key.


First, download the new installer package from the product updates page.

Assuming the previous version of the product was installed with the automatic installer, you now have two options:

  1. Do a normal automated upgrade and then reinstall the old license key manually.
  2. Leave the old installation untouched and do a manual upgrade.

Option 1:

  1. (optional) Back up the OfficeWriter Program folder from the previous version.
  2. Uninstall OfficeWriter from Add/Remove Programs. This will not affect the DLLs in your applications.
  3. Run the new installer. Make sure to use the correct license key for the new version.
  4. If this was a major upgrade, the new license key will not work for the older version so you need to reinstall the older license key

To reinstall the older license key:

  1. Double-click on the LicenseManager.exe utility in the program folder.
  2. Enter the older key in the first textbox and click “Add/Upgrade.” Exit the application.

Option 2:

  1. Do NOT uninstall the previous version.
  2. Unpack the files from the new installer by running it on a different machine. (Note: If the other machine does not have a license for OfficeWriter, please uninstall the product when you are through with this process)
  3. Copy the OfficeWriter DLLs to the destination server from the bin directory in the OfficeWriter Program folder.

If this is a major upgrade:

  1. Copy the new LicenseManager.exe from the OfficeWriter program folder. The older version of this utility that you may have on your server will not be able to accept the license keys for the new major version of OfficeWriter.
  2. Double-click on the .exe. It will show you which keys are already installed.
  3. Enter the new key in the first textbox and click “Add/Upgrade.” Exit the application.

You are now ready to use the new version of OfficeWriter in any application.

What are the system requirements for OfficeWriter?

The system requirements for OfficeWriter are outlined in our documentation for the two major versions that are currently supported:

OfficeWriter 8

OfficeWriter 8 Documentation Home

OfficeWriter 4

OfficeWriter 4 Documentation Home

Grouping and Nesting vs. PivotTables in ExcelTemplate

Although PivotTables and ExcelWriter’s Grouping and Nesting can produce similar looking results when used with ExcelTemplate, these options provide different functionality. This post outlines the pros and cons of using both options.

Pivot Tables

Pivot tables are a native Excel feature that are designed to sort and filter aggregate data. You can use them to transpose and combine data to present grouped views.

Useful Features

  • Group data – This can be done horizontally in row groups or vertically in column groups.
  • Sort data – Pivot tables automatically sort and group data.
  • Produce grouped calculations – i.e. the sum over all of the sales for a region, or the larger expense for a particular quarter
  • Transpose data

Limitations (when working with ExcelWriter)

  • You cannot pre-select filters, create groupings by hand etc. – Any feature that requires data to be in the pivot table cannot be selected in the template because the data won’t be imported until after the report is generated
  • Pivot tables have limited style options. Pivot tables can have table styles, but creating custom headers/footers for groups is challenging
  • You cannot put anything to the right or below the pivot table. This is because when the pivot table is populated, it will expand to the right and down. It will overwrite anything that was in those cells. For this reason it is recommended that you do not have multiple pivot tables on a worksheet.
  • Pivot tables do not allow for text in the data values area of the table. Text is only allowed in the report filters, row labels, or column labels.

PivotTables in OfficeWriter Docs:

Grouping and Nesting

ExcelWriter Grouping and Nesting allows you to format grouped data in OOXML (XLSX, XLSM) files using ExcelTemplate.


  • Custom formatting – You have the ability to create multi-row headers and footers that contain whatever formulas, formatting, and content you’d like.
  • ‘Push down’ behavior – ExcelTemplate automatically pushes down rows when inserting data. This means that anything below a grouping block will be retained in the final report.
  • Accepts any data type – There are no limitations on the type of data that be represented (unlike pivot tables which only allow non-numerical data in the row/column labels).


  • Data must be sorted ahead of time, otherwise Grouping and Nesting will not work properly (see information below on how to create Grouped and Nested reports)
  • Unable to group over columns

Grouping and Nesting in OfficeWriter Docs:

How to change strings to formatted numerical values


In the creation of an Excel workbook, sometimes a column contains numerical values stored as strings. For example, a percent column can display percents as strings. This poses a problem if you want to use these values for equations, or if you want to clean up the display of the file, as Excel will mark these strings with a green corner indicating that they can be displayed as numerals, along with a warning message: “The number in this cell is stored as text or preceded by an apostrophe.”


ExcelApplication allows you to change the NumberFormat of a column so that it will automatically format numerals. This alone is not enough to change the strings into formatted numerals, though, as you must trim any characters off the strings and convert them to doubles to be handled correctly by Excel.

Hence, converting the values for an entire column requires three steps:

  1. Gather the values from the column into a collection and convert them to numeric values.
  2. Apply the desired Number Format to the styles of column.
  3. Cycle through the collection and add the values back to each cell of the column.

For a code example of the three steps outlined above, please see the sample in our documentation for how to Convert strings to formatted numerical values.

Can a web application send additional information after streaming a file to the browser?


Your web application uses OfficeWriter to generate and stream a document or spreadsheet to the browser. Subsequently, you want to send additional instructions to the browser to update the web page, display a pop-up confirmation message, or re-direct to another web page.


It is not possible for a web application to stream a file to the browser and subsequently send additional information in the same response. This limitation is a consequence of the request-response nature of web programming and is not specific to OfficeWriter. The same limitation applies to any web application which performs media streaming or file downloading.

The HTTP protocol mandates that there can be only one response to each request. A response consists of HTTP headers and content. The HTTP headers provides information about the file and optionally specifies how it should be handled. In the case of file downloading, the response’s content must contain only file data. If there are non-file data in the response, such as HTML code to update the web page or perform additional actions, the foreign data would be taken to be part of the file, causing the file to be corrupted.

After a web application streams a file to the browser using OfficeWriter’s Save method, attempting to redirect to another web page may generate the following error: “Cannot redirect after HTTP headers have been sent.” This is because OfficeWriter’s Save method sets the appropriate HTTP headers before streaming the file and the instruction to redirect requires another set of HTTP headers.

How to import data into a Word document with WordWriter


WordWriter has two approaches for importing data:

Approach 1: WordTemplate

Use WordTemplate to import data into existing templates with merge fields.

Additional reading:

Approach 2: WordApplication

Call ImportData to generate Table in the document with the data.

Additional reading: