Tag Archives: color palette

Workbook colors are not displayed as expected in older versions of Excel


When using ExcelWriter’s ExcelApplication object to generate a new workbook, custom colors that are assigned in code to fonts, charts, cell backgrounds, etc., display incorrectly on the client when the workbook is generated.


When creating an Excel File or an Excel file to use as a template with the ExcelTemplate object using Excel 2007 and above, colors are not colors are not preserved in Excel 2003 or older.

Continue reading Workbook colors are not displayed as expected in older versions of Excel

Excel’s color palette explained


Excel’s color palette contains 56 colors, all of which can be accessed and most of which can be replaced using ExcelWriter (v6 or later). This post describes the layout of the palette and enumerate the default palette colors.

This content is most pertinent to the Excel 2003 color palette, which only has 56 colors. In Excel 2007 and later, workbooks can support millions of colors, but there is still an underlying workbook palette that has 56 colors. For more information about colors in multiple versions of Excel, we have enough post about workbook colors that are not displayed properly in older versions of Excel.


The palette is split up into a few different sections: Continue reading Excel’s color palette explained