All posts by Aviva Marchette

Using OfficeWriter .NET on a 64-bit machine

What version of OfficeWriter do I need for 64-bit support?

  • Full 64-bit support for OfficeWriter’s pure .NET classes was introduced in OfficeWriter 3.9.1 (ExcelWriter 6.9.1). The OfficeWriter .NET dlls are compiled with the /anycpu flag so they will work fine on either 32-bit or 64-bit systems.
  • OfficeWriter’s COM dlls are still 32-bit. If you have old ASP.NET applications that are still using the .NET wrapper classes for ExcelWriter COM, you will need to run those applications in a 32-bit application pool or change your code to use the pure .NET objects. See Using OfficeWriter COM.

What is the difference between the 32-bit and 64-bit installers?

  • There are no significant differences between OfficeWriter’s 32-bit and 64-bit installers. Both contain the same .NET dlls which are compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit systems.
  • The 64-bit installer will create the OfficeWriter program folder in Progam Files rather than Program Files (x86)
  • You can run the 32-bit installer on a 64-bit OS. However if you are installing OfficeWriter in SSRS integration mode, the 32-bit installer may have trouble finding a 64-bit instance of SSRS.
  • There is no problem manually deploying files from a 32-bit installation to a 64-bit machine

OutOfMemory Exceptions with Large Excel Reports

At times customers have experienced OutOfMemory exceptions when generating very large Excel reports with OfficeWriter. Generating reports with millions of cells will necessarily use a significant amount of memory, especially when using the ExcelApplication object. Note that ExcelWriter is not just keeping a file in memory, it is populating an entire object model in order to be able to manipulate the file. For example, each cell has associated objects for the value, formula, formatting, and more. The ExcelTemplate object (which is also used behind the scenes in our Reporting Services integration) has a smaller object model, so it uses less memory than ExcelApplication. However, a very large report can still require a significant amount of memory with ExcelTemplate.

This article provides tips about how to avoid memory issues when generating large reports.

Try to use the latest version of OfficeWriter
Make sure your application is compiled as 64-bit when possible
Use the ExcelApplication API in the most efficient manner
Cache reports if possible
Queue reports if necessary

Try to use the latest version of OfficeWriter

Many performance improvements have been implemented in ExcelWriter over time. To take advantage of these optimizations, upgrade to the latest version when possible. See the OfficeWriter Change Log for details about changes in every release since OfficeWriter version 4.0 (ExcelWriter version 7.0).

Make sure your application is compiled as 64-bit if possible

A 32-bit application will have never have more than 2 GB of memory available to it, even you are running the application on a 64-bit OS with a huge amount of RAM. The pure .NET ExcelWriter objects (in the namespace SoftArtisans.OfficeWriter.ExcelWriter) are fully 64-bit compatible (see Using OfficeWriter .NET on a 64-bit machine). If you are using the pure .NET objects and running on a 64-bit machine, make sure your project is compiled as a 64-bit application. If you have an ASP.NET application that was written against a very old version of ExcelWriter, it may have dependencies on ExcelWriter COM which is 32-bit, in which case compiling for 64-bit will not be an option (see this KB article for more information)

Use the ExcelApplication API in the most efficient manner

There are a number of steps that will improve performance when working with large reports with the ExcelApplication API (For more details, see Best Practices with Large Reports) :

  • Populate data with ExcelTemplate, and use ExcelApplication beforehand for any necessary runtime file manipulations. ExcelTemplate is the most efficient way to import data but it cannot make fine-grained changes to the workbook. If you need to modify the workbook at runtime, modify the template programmatically before passing it to ExcelTemplate to avoid having to open a fully populated report with ExcelApplication. See Preprocessing vs. Postprocesssing.
  • Avoid referencing Empty Cells. Any time you touch an empty cell with ExcelApplication, a Cell object (and all its associated objects) is created even if it didn’t already exist. If you need to loop through cells to look for something, used Worksheet.PopulatedCells to get an Area containing only populated cells. Note that PopulatedCells will return cells that have only formatting and no data. For this reason is it important to apply formatting in the most efficient manner. More information about this below.
  • Apply Styles to Columns and Rows, not Cells. Setting styles on a cell-by-cell basis or applying a style to an area, causes a separate Style object to be created for every Cell. On the other hand, if you Set a Style on a column or row, using ColumnProperties.Style or RowProperties.Style, there will only be one formatting record for the entire column or row. Currently there is no option to set conditional formatting at the column or row level with the ExcelWriter API. A workaround is to set the conditional formatting on the columns or rows in your input file, and ExcelWriter will preserve it.

Cache reports if possible

If you have a report that requires a lot of memory and is requested by many concurrent users, investigate whether it might be possible to keep a cached copy of the report and serve it to multiple users. Does the data change constantly or only at certain intervals? Are there parameters that tend to be different for every user or do multiple users run the report with the same parameters? If you have multiple users requesting a report with the same data and the same parameters, this report could be a good candidate for caching. You could run the report at a certain time with a background process, or you could cache a copy the first time any user generates the report within a certain timeframe.

If you are using OfficeWriter in a custom .NET application, you would implement caching in your own code. If you are using OfficeWriter in SSRS-integration mode, you can use SSRS’s built-in caching functionality.

Queue reports if necessary

If you have a report being accessed by multiple users that requires a great deal of memory in a memory-constrained environment (i.e. your server is 32-bit or you have to compile your application as 32-bit for some reason), and caching isn’t an option (i.e. every time a user runs the report it is different), then queuing reports may be something to consider. Instead of delivering every report on-demand, you can restructure your application to store the users’ requests, process them sequentially in a background process, and notify the users by email or some other means when their reports are ready. This approach should not cause your users to have to wait much longer for a report than if it was being generated on-demand, but of course the user experience will be a little different. One option is to implement logic in your application to only queue very large reports but deliver smaller reports on-demand.

If you are using OfficeWriter in SSRS-integration mode, you can accomplish queuing by using SSRS subscriptions.

Options for Importing HTML snippets into a Word document

If you are generating a Word document with OfficeWriter and you wish to import some HTML-formatted text, there are various  options, depending on the version of OfficeWriter you are using and the file format of your document (.doc or .docx/.docm)

The Template-based Approach
The Programmatic Approach

Template-based approach

With WordWriter’s template-based approach, using the WordTemplate API or  OfficeWriter’s SSRS integration, HTML-formatted text can be imported by using special merge field modifiers.  This functionality was introduced in version 8.0 with some limitations   (i.e. no SSRS support).     Further enhancements were added in version 9.0 and 9.1.    Using version 9.1 is highly recommended, as it provides the most comprehensive support for this functionality in both custom .NET applications and SSRS integration mode.

Advantages of template-based approach

  1. No complex coding required, everything is controlled through your template and data
  2. Allows HTML-formatted text to be used with WordWriter’s mail merge and grouping functionality

Limitations of template-based approach

  1. Only supports the OOXML file format.  The template must be a .docx or .docm file
  2. The feature relies on Word’s “altChunk” functionality.  Each HTML snippet is embedded as a separate little file, and Word renders the contents when the file is opened on the client machine.   Therefore, if you are viewing the output file in something other than Word (i.e. a mobile device), the HTML may not be rendered correctly. Note: If you resave the output in MS Word, the HTML will be merged into the main document and can be viewed in any Word-compatible application.

How to Use It

Version 8.0 through 9.0 – use the document(html) modifier

  • Your merge field should look something like this:
  • Your HTML-formatted text must be passed in as a byte array, since the “document(format)” modifier expects a file rather than a string.
  • Starting in Version 9.1, it is possible for your data to include a filepath or URL rather than a byte array, by using  the new AllowURIs property. However, in 9.1 the “document(format)” modifier is no longer the best way to import HTML snippets.  In 9.1 and above, the “document(format)” modifier should be reserved for cases where you wish to embed an entire document (HTML, DOCX or RTF)
  • Prior to version 9.0, the data must contain an opening and closing <html> tag.  Beginning in version 9.0, WordWriter will add the opening and closing tags for you.
  • For more information about using the document modifier, see Inserting an Embedded Document

Version 9.1 and above – use the new HTMLSnippet modifier

  •  Instructions for using the new HTMLSnippet modifier are in the WordWriter documentation.
  •  Your merge field for the field containing the HTML-formatted text should look like this: <<DataSourceName.ColumnName(HTMLSnippet)>>
  • The data being bound to a merge field with an HTMLSnippet modifier must be a string.  The string does not need to include opening and closing <html> tags.

Programmatic approach

If you have OfficeWriter Enterprise Edition, you can import HTML snippets using the WordApplication API together with our open source project HTMLToWord.

Advantages of the Programmatic Approach

  1. The HTML snippets are converted into true Word formatting, unlike the altChunk approach used by the WordTemplate object.     Therefore the output file will be viewable in any Word-compatible application.
  2. HTMLToWord provides very fine-grained control of the HTML import. For example:
    • Using the HTMLInsertProperties settings, you can specify a default font to override fonts in the HTML, and you can specify whether to ignore unknown tags or insert their contents as text.
    • Using the delegate methods (like InsertDelegate) you can override the default behavior when processing certain tags, or write your own code to handle custom tags in your XHTML.
  3. HTMLToWord is open source project so you can modify the source code as desired.

Limitations of the programmatic approach

  1. WordApplication only supports the .doc file format.  HTMLToWord cannot be used with .docx or .docm files.
  2. This approach is code-intensive
  3. The string must be valid XHTML
  4. HTMLToWord is an open source project, separate from the OfficeWriter product itself.  OfficeWriter support contracts do not cover support for HTMLToWord.

How to Use it

  1. Make sure you have WordWriter Enterprise Edition version 4.0 or above
  2. Download the HTMLToWord project from sourceforge
  3. Follow instructions in Using HTMLToWord for compiling the dll and referencing it in your application
  4. For detailed information about how to use the API, see the section of the documentation under Inserting HTML with WordApplication

Can OfficeWriter 3 or ExcelWriter 6 run on a 64-bit OS?

OfficeWriter version 3.x includes ExcelWriter version 6.x and WordWriter version 3.x.

OfficeWriter v3.x is no longer supported, and upgrading to the current version is highly recommended.   However, if for some reason you need to use version 3.x on a 64-bit system, this article provides all the information you need.

OfficeWriter 3.9.1 and 3.9.2

The first version of OfficeWriter to include 64-bit support was version 3.9.1.  The 3.9.1 installer will run on a 64-bit machine.   The .NET assemblies in 3.9.1 and above are compiled with the /anycpu flag, which means they will work with both 32-bit and 64-bit processes.  The COM dlls, however, are 32-bit.  Here are all the considerations when using 3.9.1 or 3.9.2 on a 64-bit system:

  1. If you are using OfficeWriter in a classic ASP application or an ASP.NET application that is using our legacy .NET wrapper classes for ExcelWriter COM, you will need to set your application pool to 32-bit mode   (For more information about OfficeWriter COM, see Using OfficeWriter COM)
    1. Open the IIS management console
    2. Create a new app pool or select an existing one
    3. Click on “Advanced Settings”?
    4. Set “Enable 32-Bit Applications” to True
    5. Click OK
  2. If your application is ASP.NET, whether it is using the pure .NET objects or the wrapper classes, you will need to install the 64-bit version of the J# runtime before running the OfficeWriter installer.  OfficeWriter 3.x had a dependency on J#.   This was removed in version 4.  You can get the 64-bit J# redistributable here.   Note that the version of J# must match the version of the .NET framework you are using for your application.   Microsoft has deprecated J# and there is no version of J# later than 2.0.

OfficeWriter 3.0 to 3.8.1

Versions of OfficeWriter 3 prior to version 3.9.1 do not officially have 64-bit support, however the dlls may be used on a 64-bit system with certain limitations. The automatic installer is not 64-bit compatible and the .NET assembles are not compiled with the /anycpu flag.  Therefore, both the .NET and COM dlls are 32-bit.  OfficeWriter 3.0 – 3.8.1 can be used on a 64-bit system only in the following manner:

  1. You must do a manual installation:
    1. If your application is ASP.NET, make sure the 64-bit J# runtime is installed.  See step 2 above.
    2. Copy the OfficeWriter dlls and LicenseManager.exe from an OfficeWriter program folder on a 32-bit machine
    3. Enter the OfficeWriter v3 (or ExcelWriter v6) license key with LicenseManager.exe
    4. If you are using OfficeWriter in classic ASP or if you are using the .NET wrapper classes for the COM objects, register the COM dlls (see Using OfficeWriter COM)
    5. Copy the .NET dlls to the bin directory of your application(s)
  2. You must be using OfficeWriter in a custom application rather than in SQL Server Reporting Services.   A 32-bit dll cannot run in a 64-bit process.  64-bit SSRS does not have an option to set it to run in 32-bit mode.  Therefore in order to use OfficeWriter in 64-bit SSRS, you must use version 3.9.1 or above.
  3. You must assign your application to a 32-bit application pool:
    1. Open the IIS management console
    2. Create a new app pool or select an existing one
    3. Click on “Advanced Settings”?
    4. Set “Enable 32-Bit Applications” to True
    5. Click OK

Upgrading from v3.x

If you have an ASP.NET application and you wish to upgrade from version 3.x in order to eliminate the dependency on J# and take advantage of  fixes and enhancements in later versions, you will need to make some changes to your code.  See these pages in the documentation:

Using OfficeWriter COM

The COM version of OfficeWriter has been deprecated.   However, some customers have existing applications that use the ExcelWriter and WordWriter COM dlls. The officially supported versions of OfficeWriter (v8.x and v9.x) no longer include the COM dlls.   The latest versions of the COM dlls are ExcelWriter 7.6.1 and WordWriter 4.6.1.   The last automated installer which contained the COM dlls was OfficeWriter version 4.5.1.

One of the most important things to know is that OfficeWriter’s COM dlls are 32-bit. If you are migrating an existing application to a 64-bit server, any application using OfficeWriter COM will need to be assigned to a 32-bit application pool.

This article provides more information about the points mentioned above, as well as anything else you may need to know about using OfficeWriter COM.

How do I know if my application is using OfficeWriter COM?
What functionality is included in the COM version of OfficeWriter?
Getting the Documentation
Getting the COM dlls
Installing ExcelWriter COM
Installing WordWriter COM

How do I know if my application is using OfficeWriter COM?

If your application is classic ASP, it is obviously using the COM dlls.

But there is another possible scenario. If you have an ASP.NET application using a very old version of ExcelWriter, your application may have a dependency on the ExcelWriter COM dll.  This is because before the pure .NET version of ExcelWriter was released, we provided a .NET wrapper for the COM version.  Note: If you are using OfficeWriter in .NET, we highly recommend migrating your code to use the pure .NET objects which are fully supported, more up-to-date, and fully 64-bit compatible.

Note: ASP.NET applications using only WordWriter will never have a dependency on COM. This is because WordWriter, a newer product than ExcelWriter, has always been a pure .NET product. (A COM-callable wrapper was provided for use with classic ASP)

To determine whether your .NET application has ExcelWriter COM dependencies:

  1. First check if your code is using the SoftArtisans.ExcelWriter namespace.  This namespace contains all the interop classes provided by our .NET wrapper (The pure .NET objects, on the other hand, are all in the namespace SoftArtisans.OfficeWriter.ExcelWriter)
  2. If your application uses both the ExcelTemplate and ExcelApplication object and it was written using certain versions of ExcelWriter, you may find that your code references both namespaces mentioned above.  This is because the pure .NET ExcelTemplate object was released before the pure.NET ExcelApplication object.  ExcelTemplate .NET was released in ExcelWriter v5 (OfficeWriter v2) and ExcelApplication .NET was released in ExcelWriter v6 (OfficeWriter v3)
  3. If you see a reference to “SAEXCELLib” rather than SoftArtisans.ExcelWriter,  your developers probably imported the ExcelWriter COM dll into a .NET project rather than using our custom .NET wrapper.   The .NET framework will create a default wrapper if a COM dll is imported into a .NET project in Visual Studio.

What functionality is included in the COM version of OfficeWriter?

ExcelWriter COM Functionality and Limitations
ExcelWriter was already a mature COM product before the .NET version was introduced.   The ExcelWriter COM dll has no dependency on the .NET dll, and it includes full ExcelTemplate and ExcelApplication functionality.  However, in recent years, as most customers migrated to the .NET, many new features were added only to the .NET version.   Therefore the COM version of ExcelWriter has some significant limitations, including:

  1. No support for OOXML file formats (.xlsx, .xlsm)
  2. No automatic grouping and nesting functionality (released in ExcelWriter .NET v7.1.0)
  3. Does not support all new Excel formulas introduced in Excel 2007 and above
  4. No server-side calculation engine (released in v9)

Wordwriter COM Functionality and Limitations
WordWriter is a pure .NET product with a COM-callable wrapper (CCW) provided for use with classic ASP.  The CCW includes only the WordTemplate object. If you are using WordWriter in classic ASP, all the template-based functionality is available.  However, since 4.6.1 was the last release, the COM version does not include any fixes or enhancements added to later versions.  See the OfficeWriter change log to determine which new features and fixes were introduced after 4.6.1 and therefore are not included in WordWriter COM.

Getting the COM dlls

OfficeWriter version 4.5.1 was the last public release that included COM dlls in the installation package.   It includes ExcelWriter 7.5.1 COM and WordWriter 4.5.1 COM.  The latest versions of the COM dlls, ExcelWriter 7.6.1 and WordWriter 4.6.1, are available by request for customers with an active support contract.  This request may be made using regular support channels.

Note:  If you are planning to do a manual installation, you will also need a copy of LicenseManager.exe v4 or above in order to enter your OfficeWriter v4 (or ExcelWriter v7) license key.  LicenseManager.exe is included in the automated installer package, or you can request a copy from Support together with your request for the COM dlls.

Getting the Documentation

The latest documentation for using ExcelWriter and WordWriter in classic ASP is included in the OfficeWriter v4 documentation, which can be downloaded here:

  • ExcelWriter ASP documentation is in the file “EW-COM-7.pdf”
  • Instructions for using WordWriter in classic ASP are included in the main WordWriter v4 documentation – “WW-4.pdf”

If you are using ExcelWriter COM through the interop in an ASP.NET application, there is no up-to-date documentation available for this configuration.   However, there are some resources in older versions of the documentation that may be helpful.

Installing ExcelWriter COM

Installation instructions can also be found in the ExcelWriter v4 documentation.

  1. Install an ExcelWriter v7 (or OfficeWriter v4) license key
    The License Key can be entered using the full OfficeWriter installer or the LicenseManager.exe utility (version 4 or above)
    • LicenseManager.exe can be found in the program folder of an OfficeWriter installation on a different box
    • or you can request a copy of LicenseManager from SoftArtisans support.
  2. Register the COM dll – “SAXW7COM.dll”
    In versions 4.5.1 and below, the OfficeWriter installer will register the COM dll automatically, but it won’t be the newest version of the dll.  If you have an installer for  v4.5.1 or below, one option is to run the installer and then copy over the newer dll and register it.  That way you will have the full program folder in addition to the dlls.

    If you are doing a manual installation, or if you are updating a previous installation with the newer version of the dll:

    1. navigate to the directory containing the dll and enter:
      regsvr32 SAXW7COM.dll

      Note: On a 64-bit OS, make sure to use the 32-bit version of regsvr32, usually located in C:\Windows\SysWOW64. So you would enter:

      C:\Windows\SysWOW64\regsvr32 SAXW7COM.dll
    2.  Reset IIS by entering:
  3. Make sure your application is running in a 32-bit process
  4. Since ExcelWriter COM is 32-bit dll, if your server is 64-bit you must assign your virtual application to an application pool running in 32-bit mode:

    1. Open the IIS management console
    2. Create a new app pool or select an existing one
    3. Click on “Advanced Settings”
    4. Set “Enable 32-Bit Applications” to True
    5. Click “OK”

    Installing WordWriter COM

    Instructions for installing WordWriter for ASP can also be found in the WordWriter v4 documentation.

    These are the main steps for installing WordWriter COM:

    1. Check the system requirements
      • The COM-callable wrapper (CCW), WordTemplateCCW.dll, is a COM object that makes internal calls to the WordWriter .NET assembly.  Therefore, to use WordWriter in ASP, all of the system requirements for running WordWriter in ASP.NET must also be satisfied.
      • Version 4.x of the CCW also has a requirement for the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable. If this is a 64-bit OS, make sure to get the 32-bit version of the C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable. Download Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable for x86 systems
    2. Install a v4 license key
      The license key can be installed using the automatic installer or (if you are doing a manual installation) the LicenseManager.exe utility (version 4 or above)
      1. LicenseManager.exe can be found in the program folder of an OfficeWriter installation on a different box
      2. or you can request a copy of LicenseManager from SoftArtisans support.
    3. Put the WordWriter .NET assembly “SoftArtisans.OfficeWriter.WordWriter.dll “ in the GAC.
      SoftArtisans.OfficeWriter.WordWriter.dll is a .NET assembly.  The CCW allows you to use the .NET WordTemplate object from ASP. The assembly must be installed in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) to allow the CCW to work.

      In versions 4.5.1 or below, the OfficeWriter installer will automatically put the WordWriter.NET assembly in the GAC, however it won’t be the latest version of the dll. Here is how to manually add the .NET assembly to the GAC:

      1. On versions of Windows prior to Windows 2008 or Windows 7, copy the file “SoftArtisans.OfficeWriter.WordWriter.dll” to C:\WINDOWS\Assembly.
      2. On Windows 7 or Windows 2008 and above, use gacutil.exe. Unless you have Visual Studio installed on the machine (which most servers do not), you may need to download the Windows SDK to get a copy of gacutil.exe.
        Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory with the .NET dll and enter:
        gacutil /i SoftArtisans.OfficeWriter.WordWriter.dll
      3. Register the COM dll “WordTemplateCCW.dll” with regsvr32
        In versions 4.5.1 and below, the OfficeWriter installer will register the COM dll automatically, but it won’t be the newest version of the dll. If you have an installer for v4.5.1 or below, one option is to run the installer and then copy over the newer dll and register it. That way you will have the full program folder in addition to the dlls.

        If you are doing a manual installation, or if you are updating a previous installation with the newer version of the dll:

        1. navigate to the directory containing the dll and enter:
          regsvr32 SAXW7COM.dll

          Note: On a 64-bit OS, make sure to use the 32-bit version of regsvr32, usually located in C:\Windows\SysWOW64. So you would enter:

          C:\Windows\SysWOW64\regsvr32 WordTemplateCCW.dll
        2. Reset IIS by entering:
      4. Make sure your application is running in a 32-bit process
        The WordWriter .NET assembly is compiled with /anycpu and can run natively on 64-bit operating systems. However the CCW dll is 32-bit and must run in a 32-bit process.If your server is 64-bit, assign your virtual application to an application pool that is set to run in 32-bit compatability mode.
        • Open the IIS management console
        • Create a new app pool or select an existing one
        • Click on “Advanced Settings”
        • Set “Enable 32-Bit Applications” to True
        • Click “OK”