Tag Archives: friday news

Staff Picks: Friday News You Ought to be Reading

Once a week I snoop around the office, bothering my coworkers with questions on what they’re reading, listening to, consuming, or any other random inquiries I’d like to subject them to. Sometimes they even respond.

The question:
 1. What did you read today?
The answers:

David, CEO

Time U.S.Iraq: How the CIA Says it Blew it on Sadaam’s WMD

Claire, Marketing & Development Manager

New York TimesWhat Restaurants Know (About You)

Seth, Software Engineer
Stevesouders.comKeys to a Fast Web App
Steve, Director of Sales
Gizmodo Kindle Fire HD Hands On: Pretty Impressive for the Price
NBC News – CEO Says ‘Stupid’ Consumers Deserve Hefty Fees

Dan, VP of Operations

First Things – Good Grammar is Credibility

Harvard Business Review – I Won’t Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar

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