Tag Archives: product owner

3 ways to have a very agile Thanksgiving

As we head rapidly into the holiday season, taking vacation to celebrate with family and friends is bound to occur. For most, it is a time to relax and reflect on what to be thankful for, accompanied by turkey (or tofurkey for the meat-conscious) and cranberry sauce. For others, it can be a hectic time of delegating responsibility and tying up loose ends. Not so for this product owner! The following are 3 golden rules I follow before vacationing to keep the holidays happy and the hectic at bay.

#1 – Give someone the executive power!

Since the product owner makes the decisions, it is important to appoint someone else to make all of these choices. I usually pick someone who has a similar mindset when it comes to the product and prioritizing customer issues. That way, even if I don’t make the decisions, the outcomes are usually the way I would have wanted them.

#2 – Plan ahead, but don’t plan too much.

One of the luxuries of being a Scrum product owner, is that Scrum is a system that adapts well to change. If the unexpected happens (as it frequently does), having well-defined stories, a prioritized backlog, and someone with the decision-making power, goes a long way. Rather than plan for every possibility (because we all know that polar bear is going to destroy the server room), Continue reading 3 ways to have a very agile Thanksgiving

Scrumming in Trello as a Product Owner

This morning I signed into my Trello account and I was greeted by Taco, the mysterious Husky mascot:

He told me to go to my profile for a special prize. Now I am the proud owner of a…that’s right, you guessed it: Blue Starfish Trophy.

Husky and Blue Starfish aside, it’s hard to imagine my life without Trello to keep track of practically everything that I do at work.

When I first saw the online tool, I saw the potential for personal use with my costuming hobby, as a way to keep track of elements that needed to be completed and as a way to share my progress with other members of my costuming circle.

Continue reading Scrumming in Trello as a Product Owner