Tag Archives: sandboxed solution

SharePoint 2010 Sandbox Solution Failure with Single Dot Path

Converting a SharePoint 2007 solution to SharePoint 2010 is straightforward. In fact, other than recompiling the Visual Studio project with the SharePoint 2010 DLLs, you do not have to do anything else at all. When it comes to deploying the solution in SharePoint 2010, you can deploy it as a farm solution or a sandboxed solution. A farm solution is the same as a SharePoint 2007 solution; it is scoped to the farm level and operates with full trust. A sandboxed solution is scoped to a site collection and is limited in capabilities, but it offers certain benefits to both farm administrator and developers. The distinction between a farm and sandboxed solution lies in the deployment process, not in the solution package (which is the same in both cases).

After recompiling a project for SharePoint 2010, I was able to deploy it successfully as a farm solution. I then attempted to deploy the same solution package as a sandboxed solution. The first step was to add the solution package to the solution store with the following PowerShell cmdlet:

add-spusersolution -literalpath C:\solutions\SoftArtisansTutorial.wsp -site http://echo/sites/postone

However, this immediately resulted in the following error:

Add-SPUserSolution : The manifest.xml file could not be found within “SoftArtisansTutorial.wsp”. Continue reading SharePoint 2010 Sandbox Solution Failure with Single Dot Path