How to display parameters in a Reporting Services report


Many customers want to display the parameter values that were selected when a particular Reporting Services report was run. This is possible through Reporting Services formulas.


To display the parameters in a report:

  1. Open the report in Excel or Word with the OfficeWriter Designer
  2. Go to ‘Insert Formula’ > Build New Formula from the OfficeWriter Designer toolbar
  3. There will be a drop-down field that contains the report’s parameters. You can create a formula that includes the report parameters.
  4. This process will create a formula with the report parameter. To insert the formula you just created into the report, go back to Insert Formula on the OfficeWriter Designer toolbar.
  5. Select the formula you just created. This will insert a data marker (for Excel) or a merge field (for Word) into the report that will display the parameter value when the report runs.

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